Common Names:- Cretan peony, Clusius's peony.
Homotypic Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Paeonia (Gr) Named by the Greek philosopher Theophrastus for
Paeon, the physician to the gods who, in mythology, was changed into a flower
by Pluto.
Clusii (L) For Charles de l'Ecluse (Carolus Clusius) (1526-1609),
Flemish renaissance botanist.
General description:- A tufted medium perennial, hairy in part.
1) 20-35 cm tall, glabrous, usually pinkish or pale purple.
1) Lower, biternate, the terminal segments deeply trisect, thus with a total of 15-80
lanceolate, acute, fresh green divisions.
1) Flowers, 6-10 cm in diam., rather open.
2) Petals, 6-8, obovate to suborbicular, white or rarely pinkish.
1) Follicles, 2-5, tomentose, stigmatic area red, circinnate in the upper 1/2-3/4
Key features:-
1) Leaves, lower, biternate, the terminal segments deeply trisect.
2) Petals, usually white, but occasionally flushed with pink.
Habitat:- Rocky places, usually in open coniferous woodland, occasionally in
garigue or dolines. 200-1600 m.
Distribution:- Endemic Crete & Karpathos. On Crete confined to the Lefka Ori and
Dikti massiffs, were it can be locally abundant.
Flowering time:- Late Mar-early June.
Photo by:- Steve Lenton
Conservation status (for threatened species): Vulnerable (V) according to IUCN
Protection status (for threatened species): Greek Presidential Decree 67/81